September 14, 2010

Mayor Douglas R. Pond called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order on September 14, 2010, at 7:30 p.m.


Roll was called with the following present:  Mayor Douglas R. Pond; Council Members: Joyce D. Bland, Dora D. Hardy, Harry S. Holman, Scott E. Martin, Robert F. Pecht, III and Esther B. Sanderson; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Police Chief, E. L. Gibson, Jr.; Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert and the press.

Absent:  Council Member, H. B. Brockwell, Jr.

A PPTRA Resolution was added to the agenda.


Mayor Pond stated that he would be attending a Leadership Breakfast in Richmond tomorrow morning with representatives from Saint Paul’s.  Mayor Pond also noted that he had met with Mr. Tim Heilman from Saint Paul’s concerning some of their struggles and the College/Community Liaison Committee may be called for a meeting soon.  Mr. Holman stated that he had talked with Mr. Heilman already.

Mayor Pond stated that copies of a possible key chain were handed out.  Mayor Pond had received a price quote of 500 for $395 or 1000 for $565.  The key chains would have the Town logo on one side and the Rails to Trails logo on the other side.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mrs. Sanderson to approve the purchase of 1,000 key chains with approval from Rails to Trails to use their logo.  This was seconded by Mr. Holman and carried by all ayes.

Mayor Pond stated that the Southside Virginia Volunteer Firefighters Association would be held at SVCC in Alberta on Saturday, September 18th.  He encouraged members to go and support the Lawrenceville Fire Department.


Mr. Dean stated that a report and attendance record from the Tourism Assessment Meeting held on Sept. 8th was in the packets.  Mr. Dean stated that a draft of the meeting was also included.  Another meeting is scheduled for Sept. 15th then Virginia Tourism will put things together and present to Council and the Board of Supervisors for approval of all or part of the items we want to approve doing.


Mr. Dean reported that the building at the water treatment plant is complete, however there are issues with some of the equipment.  Mr. Dean stated that he would like to have a ribbon cutting when everything is complete.


A “save the date” announcement was in the packets concerning an Adventure Tourism Entrepreneur Workshop to be held at SVCC on September 29th.  Mr. Dean stated that this workshop goes hand-in-hand with what we are hoping to do with the old Southern State Building and encouraged Council members to attend.  This is a free workshop but registration is required and if anyone needed help in registering to call the town office.


Mr. Dean stated that in the packets was a letter from Bria Worthington requesting the use of the Peebles Park for a wedding to be held on October 23.  Council members were in favor of the Park being used.  Mr. Dean stated that this was the third request for weddings in the Park; the other two had changed their mind. 


Another request had been from Sigmund Jones for the boy scouts to help with maintenance at the Park.  Council was in favor of this and it was referred to Town Manager.

A letter was in the packets informing members of a BBQ dinner and Music Fest to be held September 18th at Lawrenceville Baptist Church.

A copy of an email sent to Mr. Dean was in the packet concerning a possible Indian-Inter-Tribal, Corn Dance and Spring Festival Pow Wow and School Day the third week in April.  More information will be coming later.


Mr. Dean stated that the October 2 date for the ribbon cutting of the Rails to Trails has been cancelled for now.  Norfolk Southern is in the process of drawing up a deed for the property at the trailhead and Mr. Dean stated that the ribbon cutting and presentation of the deed would be held at the same time.


A Resolution was given out to members concerning the PPTRA rate for the 2010 tax year.  This is required by law to set the rate of tax relief at such a level that is anticipated to exhaust the PPTRA funds received from the State.  This year the rate will be 97%.  A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to adopt the Resolution and authorize Mrs. Talbert, Clerk, to sign the Resolution.  This was seconded by Mrs. Sanderson and carried by all ayes.

Mr. Pecht reported that the audit is progressing. 

Mr. Holman stated that the fire department had answered 46 calls in August and the report on the breakdown was in the packets.

Chief Gibson reported that Chris White, our new officer, is doing great at the academy.

Mrs. Bland stated that the police report was in the packets.

Mr. Pecht pointed out that with the completion of the Rose Creek Sewer Line, the flow at the wastewater plant was down sufficiently.

Mrs. Sanderson stated that work is being done on the web site.  Mayor Pond and Mr. Martin are in the process of taking photos around town.


A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to pay the airport bills in the amount of $16,111.05.  This is the Town’s share for operating.  Mrs. Sanderson seconded the motion and it carried by all ayes.

Mrs. Sanderson stated that Travis Walker had been hired part time for the streets department.


A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to pay the bills as presented and post to the proper accounts.  This was seconded by Mr. Martin and carried by all ayes.

Mayor Pond asked Mr. Outten to prepare an Ordinance for the Economic Development Authority for Council to review.  Mr. Outten explained the benefits of having an Economic Development Authority for the Town.

Mrs. Bland asked about Council Members getting business cards.  She had a price quote from Edmonds Printing for 250 cards for each member at a cost of $46.50 if all members got a set.  After a discussion, members were asked to get Mrs. Talbert the information they wanted on their cards so the order could be made.  No formal action was needed.


A motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Ms. Hardy to adjourn.  This carried by all ayes.

Douglas R. Pond, Mayor
Alice B. Talbert, Clerk

August 10, 2010

Mayor Douglas R. Pond called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order on August 10, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.


Roll was called with the following present:  Mayor Douglas R. Pond; Council members, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Dora D. Hardy, Harry S. Holman, Scott E. Martin, Robert Pecht, III and Esther B. Sanderson.  Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Police Chief, E. L. Gibson, Jr.; Admin. Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Bill Smith and Tommy Johnson from VDOT;  Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert and the press.

Absent: Council Member, Joyce D. Bland


Mayor Pond welcomed Bill Smith and Tommy Johnson from VDOT to Council.  Mr. Smith stated that he was the “new” Dale Goodman for VDOT.  Mr. Smith stated that he and Mr. Johnson manage maintenance for VDOT.  He gave a brief overview of work going on at present and what would be coming in the future.  The bridge on 46 North should be completed shortly after the first of September.  The bridge on 46 South, over the Meherrin River, is scheduled to begin construction in 2013.  A new road and bridge will be built to the right of the existing bridge before the old bridge is removed.  Mr. Brockwell asked about having an engineering group from VDOT come in and do a study of the downtown traffic pattern.  Mr. Smith stated that he would forward a request to the proper department for this study.  Mr. Smith thanked Council for inviting him and Mr. Johnson.


A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell, seconded by Mr. Pecht and carried by all ayes to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file.


Mayor Pond stated that National Night Out was great fun; he met lots of people and passed out lots of the new Town brochures.


Mr. Dean stated that there were two reports in the packets on hydrilla that the County requested.  The County is not going to do anything at present.  Mr. Dean has been in contact with B & B Consultants on what impact the hydrilla has on our water supply.


Also in the packets was a letter from Sarah A. P. Raible of the Meherrin Regional Library concerning the road and parking behind the library.  Mr. Dean stated that the Downtown Grant should address some of this problem.


Mr. Dean reported that the cable franchise was sold to Shentel on July 30th and customers should be getting letters soon concerning the new company.  There will be some program changes and other features offered.


Mr. Dean stated that Virginia Tourism will be coming September 8th and 15th to look at what the Town has and help with how to advertise.


A copy of the GASB Study Draft for retirement benefits was in the packets.


Mr. Dean stated that Council needed to adopt two resolutions to be attached to the Rural Development application for funding for a Farmers Market.  The Town will have a 45% match on this application.  Copies of the Resolutions were handed out and Council was asked to study them and action would be taken at the next meeting.


Mr. Pecht stated that the Town is about even with last year and reminded Council that we are going against last year before the prison was closed.


Chief Gibson thanked everyone for helping with National Night Out and stated that he is planning on having one each year. 


Mrs. Sanderson stated that she had received a cost estimate of $750 to $1,000 to rebuild and design a new web site for the Town.  She stated this was a local person and that they would update at a cost of $250 to $300 per year and if we want them to take more pictures, an additional $100 for that service.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to approve the contract with the new web designer on a year-to-year basis.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Holman.  The cost was discussed and Mr. Brockwell made the following amendment: at a cost not to exceed $2,000.  Mr. Holman seconded the amendment and voting aye:  Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.  Bland – absent.


Mayor Pond stated that he had met with VHDA, a developer and a civil engineer at the old primary school and that the County Administrator had been advised that the developer would be making a request for transfer of ownership to the developer.  A 20-unit apartment complex is being planned.

A letter will be mailed to the School Board by the end of the week concerning the old Peebles building.


Mr. Brockwell stated that forming an Economic Development Authority would be in the best interest of the town.  He stated that the only thing the Council needs to do is adopt an ordinance to form an Authority.  Owners of property could give or donate to the authority and they would be able to dispose or give it away where the Town cannot.  Council would need to authorize Mr. Outten to draw up an ordinance.  After a discussion, Mr. Outten stated that he would get the Code Section out with the copy of the minutes to Council to study concerning the creation of an authority.


Mayor Pond stated that a civic group would be looking at the caboose and what it would take to rehab for use with the Rails to Trails. 


A letter from the Town of Boydton was in the packets concerning a free planning training seminar to be held on September 1, 2010, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Boydton and all Council Members were invited to attend.


A motion was made by Mrs. Sanderson and seconded by Mr. Martin to pay the bills as presented and charge to the proper accounts.  This carried by all ayes.


As there was no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to adjourn.  This was seconded by Mrs. Sanderson and carried.

Douglas R. Pond, Mayor
Alice B. Talbert, Clerk

July 13, 2010

The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order on July 13, 2010, by Mayor Douglas R. Pond at 7:30 p.m.


Roll was called with the following present: Mayor Douglas R. Pond; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Dora D. Hardy, Harry S. Holman, Scott E. Martin, Robert F. Pecht, III and Esther B. Sanderson; Planning Commission members Cheryl Robertson and Cynthia Pecht; Chief of Police, E. L. Gibson, Jr.; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager C. J. Dean; Fire Chief Brian Rifkind; Executive Director of Brunswick Chamber, Wendy Wright; Adm. Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


A motion was made by Mr. Martin to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by ayes.


Mayor Pond stated that this time had been advertised for a Joint Public Hearing on the proposed Ordinance to establish a Historic Overlay District.  Mayor Pond declared the Hearing open.  Mayor Pond gave a brief statement on what the Ordinance would provide and asked if any citizens wished to speak on the Ordinance.

Ray Thomas of Brunswick Insurance Agency stated that they had been in business in Lawrenceville since 1925 and family owned since 1972.  He was concerned with a few of the sections.  The first was Section 23.9 – Violations and Penalties; Mr. Thomas asked who the District commission would be.  Mayor Pond responded that if the Ordinance is adopted, a District Commission would be formed.  His second concern was Section 23.5p-i - Bollards: he asked who would handle the installation and removal.  Mr. Outten stated that this would be covered by the Town’s general police powers.  Mr. Thomas asked about Section 23-5p-iv – Public Art- he asked who would approve what public art was put up and where.  Mayor Pond stated that this would be something the District Commission would handle.

Gene Thomas of Brunswick Insurance Agency stated that he and Ray appreciated the work Council and the Planning Commission had done to make it clear to everyone that reads it.  Mr. Thomas stated that he was concerned with parking and suggested that maybe stickers could be given to renters upstairs over the businesses.


As no one else asked to speak on the Ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to close the Joint Public Hearing.  This was seconded by Martin and carried by all ayes.  The Planning Commission left to discuss the matter.


Mayor Pond welcomed Wendy Wright, the new Executive Director of the Brunswick Chamber of Commerce. 


Mayor Pond reported that 24 members of Cedar Grove Baptist Church worked Monday on building picnic tables, clearing land and moving gravel on the Rails to Trails. October 2, 2010 has been set for the opening of the Trail.


Mr. Pecht stated that the financial statement is on a cash basis but was the final one for fiscal year 09/10 and the audit would be on an accrual basis.  Even with water sales down the Town was able to break even and stay pretty close to last year.


Mr. Holman stated that the fire report was in the packets.  39 fire calls were responded to in June with a total of 91.25 man-hours expended.


Mrs. Sanderson reported that the personnel report was in the packets.


Chief Gibson reported that on August 3rd the Lawrenceville Police Dept, Brunswick Sheriff’s Office and the Chamber would be holding a National Night Out.  This is a nationwide event and will be the first for Lawrenceville and Brunswick County.  National Night Out is held the first Tuesday of August and promotes crime and drug prevention awareness.  Chief Gibson stated that this is a time for the public and law enforcement to get together and send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against crime.  From 5:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. everyone is asked to turn out their inside lights, turn on outside lights and come to Main Street for a Block Party.  Chief Gibson stated that donations are being asked for and felt this is a good investment.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mrs. Sanderson to support National Night Out in the amount of $300.00.  This was carried by a vote of all ayes.

Chief Gibson reported that Officer White has started his 6 months of training.


The Planning Commission returned to Council.  Mr. Dean reported that three members were present and two absent.  Mr. Dean stated that a motion was made by Cynthia Pecht to recommend that Council adopt the Historic Overlay District Ordinance with the addition to be added to Section 23-5p-iv to state that the District Commission would approve Public Art. This motion was seconded by Cheryl Robertson and carried by all ayes.


A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and adopt the Historic Overlay District Ordinance as amended.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean reported that that The Governor’s Commission on Government Reform & Restructuring has scheduled a town hall meeting for Friday, July 16, 2010, at the Southside Planning District Office in South Hill.  Mr. Dean said it was reported at the IDA meeting that  a meeting would be held in Brunswick sometime in August.


Mr. Dean stated that a letter was in the packet announcing the approval of the SAFETEA-LU Grant in the amount of $150,000.  This Grant will be used to replace the sidewalks from behind the ABC Store to the Rails to Trails.


Mr. Dean reported that on July 23 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Southern Virginia Downtown Interchange will be held in Franklin, Virginia.  Mr. Dean stated that he and Mayor Pond would be going if anyone was interested in joining them the registration dead line is July 16 and information was in the packets.


Mr. Dean stated that VML/VACO would be issuing bonds in the fall for projects under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009.  Mr. Dean stated that he has a list of projects if Council is interested in participating.


Mr. Dean stated that a letter was sent in March to the Town of Alberta informing them of the new water rates.  A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to adopt the Alberta water rate of $2.40 per thousand.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


A flyer was in the packets concerning the Chamber of Commerce Picnic to be held on August 11.  Ms. Wright encouraged all Council members to attend, there will be a silent auction and a raffle held during the picnic.  The flyer is to be returned on or before July 28th if you plan to attend.


Mr. Dean stated that Council had a copy of the study done on potential options for re-use or redevelopment of Brunswick Correctional Center.


 Mr. Dean reported that a Public Hearing on the High Speed Rail at SVCC in Alberta on July 15th beginning at 5 p.m. to view the Tier II Draft Environmental Impact Statement with the Public Hearing starting at 7 p.m.


Mr. Dean stated that he had received an award letter on the Downtown Grant in the amount of $738,700.  Dept. of Housing and Development will be here on July 29th to present the contract.  Mr. Dean stated that $350,000 will be given and after we complete one phase the balance will be given to us.

Mr. Brockwell asked about the Town’s generators.  Mr. Dean reported that a generator for the water plant was purchased about 4 years ago; a new one was purchased for the wastewater plant and the one there was put on a trailer and will service the municipal building and fire department. 

Mrs. Sanderson handed out a list of items received from a concerned citizen that they felt needed attention in beautification of the Town.  Mr. Dean will get with Public Works on taking care of the list.

Mrs. Sanderson stated that she and Ms. Wright with the Chamber had met and are working on a plan to help with the appearance of the vacant buildings in town.  Mrs. Sanderson stated that they had identified 15 buildings from the traffic light to the Rails to Trails.  They felt visual effect is important and are trying to get in touch with owners to get permission to put backdrops in the windows and get civic groups or organizations to put up art work to improve the looks of the buildings.

Mrs. Sanderson stated that Town Development is in the process of getting prices on a new website and she thanked Wayne Talbert for his work over the years in keeping our current website up to date.


Mayor Pond stated Council had been given copies of a Town brochure and a price list was in the packets from Edmonds Printing.  He asked if Council was interested in getting a supply printed for handout.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mrs. Sanderson to print 1,000.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and after a further discussion; Mrs. Sanderson made a motion to amend her motion to print 1,500 brochures at a cost of $630.  This amended motion was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.

Information on the possible bioenergy plant joining with Fiberight at the Industrial Park was presented to Council members.

Mr. Pecht commented on the great job done at Saint Paul’s College on the President’s House.  The paint used on the house is the same color as original paint.  Mr. Holman reported that Jeff Miller and Todd Temple had done a great job of matching the flooring in the house. 


A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to pay the bills as presented and to charge to the proper accounts.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.

Mayor Pond stated that now would be a good time for Council to consider having our own Economic Development Authority.  As it is now, if property is given to the Town we are not able to dispose of as we see fit but if we had our own Authority they would be able to give property away without declaring it surplus.  After a discussion, Mr. Brockwell and the Economic Development Committee was asked to look at information on forming an Authority and report back to Council.

Mr. Pecht thanked Mr. Outten on the fabulous job on his new office and stated that the new signage looked great.


Mr. Pecht made the following motion, “Mr. Mayor, I move the Lawrenceville Town Council enter into a closed meeting pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended for the purpose of discussing possible property acquisition.  This was seconded by Mr. Martin and voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.


After a discussion on the above motion, Mr. Pecht made the following: “ Mr. Mayor, I move the closed meeting be adjourned and the Lawrenceville Town Council convene again in open session.”  This was seconded by Mrs. Sanderson and carried by all ayes.


The following certification was made by Mr. Pecht: “ Be it Resolved to the best of my knowledge ( i) only public business matters exempted from open meeting requirement, under Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and ( ii ) only such public business matters as were identified  in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting.”  This was seconded by Mrs. Sanderson and carried by the following roll call vote: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin, Pecht and Sanderson.


A motion was made by Mr. Holman to pay the maintenance, insurance and taxes in the amount of $665 per month for 5 months to keep the old Southern States property off the market.  This received a second by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Martin to adjourn.  This was carried by all ayes.

Douglas R. Pond, MAYOR  
Alice B. Talbert, CLERK




(c) 2010. Town of Lawrenceville, Virginia. All rights reserved.