MARCH 2007


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order on March 13, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, Harry S. Holman, J. Grady Martin and Esther B. Sanderson; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Boy Scout member, Ryan Strickland; Jordan Pecht and Cindy Pecht; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Roll was called.



A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file. This carried by all ayes.



Mayor Clarke introduced Ryan Strickland, a member of Scout Troop 221. Ryan was attending the Council meeting as a requirement for a merit badge. A friend, Jordan Pecht and his mother, Cindy Pecht, were also in attendance.



Mayor Clarke stated that a representative from SuddenLink Communications, our new cable company, was to be with us, however due to illness a representative will be at the April meeting.


No citizens asked to speak to Council.



Mr. Outten stated that Council had received copies of the proposed Lodging Tax Ordinance and if everyone was comfortable with it a motion to advertise for a Public Hearing would be needed. Mr. Brockwell made a motion to advertise for a Public Hearing on the proposed Lodging Tax Ordinance to be held on April 10th. Mr. Martin seconded the motion and it carried by all ayes.



Mr. Dean reported that the Saint Pauls sewer replacement project was on time and still in budget.



Due to an error in advertising, the Public Hearings on the proposed Meals Tax Ordinance and the zoning for the boundary line adjustment area will be advertised and held on April 10.


Mr. Dean stated that the finance committee would be meeting to work on the budget and would have a proposed budget to present at the April meeting.



Mr. Dean stated Southside Planning is working on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and was asking each locality to give a maximum of 4 projects. A list of projects was included in the packets. Mr. Dean recommended the following order:

Item 20, Lawrenceville Downtown Project be #1

Item 15, Rose Creek Sewer Interceptor be #2

Item 14, Lawrenceville Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion be #3

Item 21, Lawrenceville Townwide Housing Improvement be #4


After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to approve the priorities as presented by Mr. Dean in the following order: #1- Item 20, Lawrenceville Downtown Project; #2- Item 15, Rose Creek Sewer Interceptor; #3- Lawrenceville Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion and #4- Item 21, Lawrenceville Townwide Housing Improvement. This motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay- none



Mr. Dean reported that the building at the water treatment plant had been completed and should be up and running by July 14th.



Mr. Dean reported that at the February meeting he had reported that the County had requested that the Town waive the water and sewer connection fees for a project on Lawrenceville Plank Road behind the Rescue Squad. At the February meeting the request had been tabled since the County also asked for the fees to be waived for another project at Green Acres. Mr. Dean reported that there was not enough money to finish the Green Acres project and so the County was again asking for a waiver on the project behind the Rescue Squad.


A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to waive the water and sewer connection fees on the County project behind the Rescue Squad. Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay: none



Mr. Dean stated that the second Visioning Session would be held on March 27th at 10 a.m. and asked that all that can come to please attend. This meeting is a part of the grant procedure.



Mrs. Bland gave a breakdown of the fire department calls in the month of February as follows: MVA 9; EMS 6; structure fire 4; brush fire 4; smoke scare 2; alarm activation 2; disregard 2; lines down 1; smell of gas 1; mulch fire 1; gas spill 1;

L-Z set up 1; public service call 1 for a total of 35 calls; 6 in town and 29 out of town. Approximately 399 man-hours were expended.


Mrs. Bland also reported that the sheriffs office would be holding a mock motor vehicle accident on April 18 at 2:00 p.m. at the Senior High School. Invitations and more information would be coming out later.


Mr. Brockwell stated that for Ryan Stricklands information, our fire department is all volunteers. Mr. Brockwell also stated that their efforts are very much appreciated by the town.


Mr. Martin reported that the personnel committee had met concerning salaries and was working on the budget.



Mr. Hardy stated that the police report was in the packets. He also reported that the police department had received a technology grant of $10,000. Mayor Clarke thanked Chief Pond for his efforts in obtaining grants for the police department.


Chief Pond reported that Lawrenceville Police Department was second per capita in the number of qualified instructors at the academy; the State Police was first. Officer Clary is now a certified firearms instructor in the State of Virginia.



Mr. Brockwell stated that a list of surplus equipment was included in the packets and asked that the items be declared surplus and the staff be allowed to dispose of the equipment. After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Martin to declare the equipment surplus and to allow staff to dispose of the surplus equipment. This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay- none.


Mr. Brockwell asked Mr. Dean to include vehicles in the police and fire department in the towns list of equipment. He also asked that as items are sold we are able to replace them. Mr. Dean is checking on the purchase of a garbage truck or dump truck and will be getting with the property committee soon.


Mr. Brockwell stated that The Blue Piano and Forless Satellite both held

ribbon cuttings last week.


As a follow up on the March 27th Vision Session, Mr. Brockwell reminded everyone that the Vision 2007 can be seen on the town web site, Also the Artisan Center Committee will meet April 3 and form a task force.


Mr. Martin stated that the request in the packet for permission to hold a Jazz Festival at the airport needed to be tabled until the County and Airport Commission meets.



A motion was made by Mrs. Sanderson to approve the request from Lawrenceville Lions Club to use the airport on May 2nd for the annual Seafood Feast and to approve the request from Brunswick Academy for use of the airport on May 9th for the annual Virginia Beef and Dairy Festival with conditions and approval by the County and the Airport Commission. This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell. Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson; Voting nay- none.



On a motion by Mr. Hardy and a second by Mr. Martin, the bills presented in the amount of $55,841.38 were approved and will be charged to the proper funds. This motion carried by the following aye vote: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay none.



Mr. Dean stated that Spring Clean Up Week would be April 9  13, 2007 and the town would bush hog empty lots and would pick up anything that could be accepted in the landfill and was not hazardous.


Mrs. Talbert asked for approval to apply for the matching grant for the ArtBank. A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to apply for the ArtBank Grant in the amount of $500.00. Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay none.



There being no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Martin to adjourn. Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Holman, Martin and Sanderson. Voting nay none.





