December 12, 2006


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on December 12, 2006 by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Wilbur Hardy, Harry S. Holman, J. Grady Martin, Robert F. Pecht, III and Esther B. Sanderson; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Public Works Director, Randall Lynch; Code Official, Scott Kelly; Members of the Relay for Life Committee; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Roll was called.



A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file. This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by all ayes.



Mayor Clarke took this time to thank the Council, Town Staff and employees for all their work during the last 12 months. Mayor Clarke wished everyone happy holidays.



Mayor Clarke stated that there would be a need for a Closed Session to discuss a possible property acquisition.



Mayor Clarke reported that the Relay for Life Committee had asked to make an announcement. Mrs. Talbert introduced the members present: Debbie Burkett, Pat Fletcher, Mildred Freeman, Peggy Elliott, Kay Outten and Marilyn Brammer. Mrs. Talbert stated that in November she, Debbie Burkett, Pat Fletcher, Patricia and Bob Conner attended Relay University in Blacksburg. At the meeting Brunswick Relay for Life received three awards. The first presented was recognizing the fundraising efforts of the Relay teams and that $5.94 per capita was raised and Brunswick Relay was entered into the $100,000 club for Relay. Debbie Burkett reported that during the 2006 efforts of the Brunswick County Relay for Life events the group shared the mission of the American Cancer Society, the need of research dollars, the services provided through the Cancer Society and recognized the importance of survivors and by so doing the Brunswick Relay was recognized and received an award as the Relay in Region 6 that exemplified the Mission of the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life. The Brunswick Relay For Life then received the ultimate recognition by receiving the Mission Award for the entire South Atlantic Division of the American Cancer Society. The South Atlantic Division includes the states of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Mrs. Talbert thanked Council for their support and especially Mayor Clarke, Mr. Outten and Mr. Pecht who are sponsors of Brunswick Relay for Life.



Mrs. Elaine Cogsdale reported that the Santa Workshop sponsored by the Historic Lawrenceville Revitalization Association had helped 40 local families on December 9. The workshop was held in the former Lucys TV building.



Mary Truman of Cinnamon Cafi and More Than Books asked what was going on at the house behind Perrys . She stated that there was a lot of traffic there with people hanging out. Mr. Dean stated that the house is vacant but there is an apartment house next to it. Mr. Dean was asked to contact the owner of the vacant house about the problem.



Mr. Outten reported that the Boundary Line Adjustment had been signed by the Judge on November 21, 2006 making the change effective January 1, 2007. A certified copy of the boundary line adjustment was given to the Clerk.



Mr. Dean stated that Mr. Craig S. Paul of Atlantic Recycling would like to address Council on their delinquent water bill. Mr. Paul stated that the plant had a fire in December 2005 and although they were well insured it had caused hardship. He had started managing the plant in June 2006 and hoped to start remanufacturing next week. Mr. Paul stated that when the plant opened, he was told that sewer usage was based on water consumption. However, if they wanted to install a sewer meter the plant would be billed on actual usage. Mr. Paul stated that a sewer meter was purchased and he did not know until last month that it had not been installed. He felt they were being double billed. Mr. Paul also felt they should not be charged the penalty for not paying on time. Mr. Paul stated that since the meter had not been installed as it should have he would take care of the sewer charges but would like Council to relieve him of any penalty charges. He also stated that he would not be able to pay the bill in full on December 22 as required but would like to make 2 payments, one next week and balance two weeks later. Mr. Paul stated that all future bills would be paid within 7 days. Mayor Clarke asked that the Water/Wastewater Committee meet after Council to consider the request.



Mr. Dean reported that all papers had been signed on the Saint Pauls Sewer Replacement and work should begin on January 8. A ground breaking will be held sometime next week. A notice will be sent out when the date is set.



Mr. Dean stated that a copy of the Downtown Revitalization Grant had been received and he was trying to get a copy that could be put on the town web page.


The notices on the Annual Lead Test had been mailed out.



A copy of a quote for sewer line replacement on 5th Ave. was in the packet. The quote is from Biggs Construction in the amount of $27,770. Mr. Dean stated that request had been sent out and only Biggs Construction had returned a quote. He recommended that Biggs be awarded the contract. After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Brockwell to award the contract to Biggs Construction . This carried by all ayes.



Mr. Dean stated that a proposal had been received from Southside Contractors to build a 10 X 10 brick addition to the water treatment plant in the amount of $10,867. Any electrical and plumbing was not included in the proposal. After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to award the contract to Southside Contractors in the amount of $10,867. This motion carried by all ayes.



Mr. Dean stated that copies of the Brunswick County Local Emergency Planning Committee Bylaws were in the packet. Brunswick County had passed the bylaws and Council was asked to adopt. If passed, this Committee would provide assistance to the Emergency Management Coordinator. A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adopt the Bylaws as presented. This carried by all ayes.



A request for $3,500 from the Blackstone Area Bus System, BABS, was included in the packet for consideration in the FY07/08 budget. This was included by information only at this time.



Mr. Kelly reported that he had completed an inventory of all vacant buildings with 50 buildings having been vacant at least one year and 12 buildings less than one year. Mr. Kelly gave a power point presentation of the vacant buildings. Mr. Kelly also presented a proposed Vacant Building Registration Legislation for Council to consider. After a discussion, the Housing Code Committee was asked to meet and come back with a proposal at the next meeting.



Mr. Pecht reported that the Finance Committee had met with Denise Williams of Creedle, Jones & Alga and reviewed the audit. Council members had copies of the audit and Mr. Pecht asked everyone to review the audit before the January meeting. Mr. Pecht reported that it was a clean audit and complimented Mr. Dean on the Management Statement. He reported that the audit firm had also complimented Mr. Dean on his report. Mr. Pecht stated that there was an error in the printing on page 1 of the Managements Discussion and Analysis. The figure for net assets for 2005 should be $5,234,557 and the figure for 2006 should be $5,643,699 . The changes will be made in the copies to be mailed out.



Mr. Pecht stated that copies of a meals tax ordinance had been given to Council and he asked that members look over for possible advertisement in January. A lodging tax ordinance will be presented in January also for a possible Public Hearing on both in February.



Mrs. Bland reported that the fire department had responded to 28 calls in November. 23 of these calls were out of town and 5 within the town limits. Mrs. Bland gave the following breakdown: EMS 11; MVA 9; Disregard 3; Car fire 1; Brush Fire 1; Smoke scare 1; L-Z setup 1; False call 1.



Mr. Brockwell asked that the Property and Equipment Committee meet after Council. Mr. Brockwell stated that the town had a surplus police vehicle. Mr. Brockwell made a motion to authorize Mr. Dean to donate the vehicle to Saint Pauls College, as long as no other town department needed it. This was seconded by Mr. Martin and carried by all ayes.



The airport report was in the packets. Mr. Pecht reported that the groundbreaking was held last week on the new terminal and work should be done in the next two months.


Mrs. Talbert reported that the Christmas Parade was a big success and also thanked the fire department for putting up the banners.



A motion was made by Mr. Hardy to pay the bills in the amount of $74,558.64 and charge to the proper funds. This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried.



A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to enter into a closed session pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended for the purpose of discussion property acquisition and legal matters. This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by the following roll call vote: Bland, aye; Brockwell, aye; Hardy, aye; Holman, aye; Martin, aye; Pecht, aye; and Sanderson, aye.



After a discussion on property acquisition and legal matters, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht to adjourn the closed session and return to open session. This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried by the following roll call vote: Bland, aye; Brockwell, aye; Hardy, aye; Holman, aye; Martin, aye; Pecht, aye; and Sanderson, aye.



The following motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Hardy: BE IT RESOLVED to the best of my knowledge (i) only public business matters exempted from open meeting requirement, under Section 2.2-3711 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting.

This motion carried by the following roll call vote: Bland, aye; Brockwell, aye; Hardy, aye; Holman, aye; Martin, aye; Pecht, aye; and Sanderson, aye.



There being no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mrs. Bland and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adjourn the meeting. This carried by all ayes.




Keith W. Clarke, Mayor


Alice B. Talbert, Clerk: ATTEST