May 10, 2005


The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order on May 10, 2005, by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, John J. Miller, Jr., Michael F. Moorman, Woodrow Packer and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Supt. of Public Works, Randall Lynch, Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Adm. Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Albert Crigger of VRWA; Town Clerk, Alice Talbert, citizens and the press.


Roll was called.



As this time had been advertised for a Public Hearing to receive citizen comment on the proposed budget for FY05/06, Mayor Clarke declared the Hearing open.  As no one asked to speak on the budget, a motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Hardy to close the Public Hearing.  This carried by all ayes.


A motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, suspend the reading and file was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell.  This carried by all ayes.



Mayor Clarke introduced Albert Crigger of Virginia Rural Water Association.  Mr. Crigger has been working with Mr. Dean on a Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP).  Mr. Crigger explained the reasons for and the steps necessary to developing a Plan.  Mr. Dean and Mr. Crigger have been working on this and already formed a community planning team. Mr. Crigger gave a brief overview of the program and stated that he hopes to have a final plan ready to present to Council in September or October.


There was no change to the agenda.



Mr. William James asked to speak to Council concerning the proposed rental inspection ordinance.  Mr. James asked several questions and stated that he felt stricter enforcement of current ordinances would be enough.  Mayor Clarke stated that steps were being taken to get a housing inspector.  The Committee had met and agreed to wait until an inspector is in place before further action on the proposed ordinance.



Mr. Outten stated a petition to abandon an undeveloped alley had been received.  The undeveloped alley is between Red & White and Elm Acres Pool.  After a discussion, a motion to advertise for a Public Hearing to be held at the June Council Meeting was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Miller.  This carried by all ayes.



Mr. Dean stated that a list of delinquent real estate taxes had been prepared, he asked Council to authorize the Town Attorney to pursue all avenues to collect.  A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to authorize Mr. Outten to pursue all avenues to collect the delinquent real estate taxes as presented.  This carried by all ayes.



Mr. Dean reported that at this time of the year Christmas decorations are on sale.  He asked Council to consider the purchase of a 4’ extension for the town Christmas tree at a cost of $1773.75.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Moorman and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to purchase the 4’ extension as presented.  This carried by the following vote: Aye, Bland, Hardy, Miller, Moorman, Packer and Pecht. Voting nay: Brockwell.


Mr. Dean reported that grass notices would be going out next week and owners would have 10 days to comply.




Mr. Dean also reported that a special Downtown Revitalization Meeting would be held on May 19, 2005, at the Saint Paul’s Student Center at 6:00 pm.  The next regular meeting will be held on June 2 in the Municipal Building at 6:00 pm.  Donnie Owen will be present to discuss wireless service for the Town of Lawrenceville.



Mr. Pecht made a motion to tentatively adopt the proposed budget for FY05/06.  This received a second by Mr. Miller and carried by all ayes.



Mr. Pecht stated that a copy of erroneously charged taxes had been presented in the amount of $800.45.  A motion was made by Mr. Pecht and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to relieve these taxes.  This carried by all ayes.


A list of uncollected 1993 - 1997 personal property taxes was also presented. A motion was made by Mr. Pecht to relieve the clerk of these taxes.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried.



Mr. Packer stated that the Fire Report was in the packet.


Fire Chief, Frankie Clary addressed Council concerning the possible purchase of a used ladder truck and permission to advertise to sell surplus vehicles.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Packer to authorize the Fire Department to submit a bid on the used 102’ ladder truck and to solicit bids on the surplus vehicles.  This carried by all ayes.


Mr. Hardy stated that the Police Report was in the packet.


Mr. Pecht reported that the March Airport Report was in the packet and that Mr. Perkins had been very ill.


Mr. Pecht reminded Council of the upcoming Beef & Dairy Festival on May 18th.


Mrs. Talbert reminded council of the blood drive to be held on May 23 in honor of Grant Vest, a 3-year-old cancer patient.



A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Hardy to pay the bills as presented in the amount of $72,884.38 and charge to the proper funds.  This was carried by all ayes.



There being no further business to come before Council, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Miller to adjourn.  This carried by all ayes.









