February 10, 2004



The regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on February 10, 2004, by Mayor Keith W. Clarke with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members:  Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., John J. Miller, Jr., and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Police Chief, Douglas R. Pond, Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson, Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert and the press.


Absent: Council members: Wilbur Hardy and Woodrow Packer  and Michael F. Moorman


Mrs. Talbert opened the meeting with prayer.


Roll was called.


A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This motion carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean reported that a memorandum of understanding to allow the placement of the antenna on a temporary basis had been drawn up by Mr. Outten and signed by Bill Parrish of the Emergency Service Board.  The equipment has been installed and a 10x12 building was to be brought in tomorrow. 


Pictures of houses to be demolished on High Street were shown to Council.  Mr. LeBlanc had taken pictures and designed a narrative to send to the Department of Historic Resources.  Mr. Dean stated that the houses can be torn down with town money but if the Department gives approval, the grant money on High Street can be used.


Mr. Dean reported that a motion for acceptance and appropriation for the CDBG grant for the Scotts Company was needed.  A motion to accept the grant funds in the amount of $475,000 and appropriate the funds for the Scotts Company water and sewer project was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell.  Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Miller and Pecht.


Another item needed in connection with the CDBG grant for Scotts was the adoption of a Small Procurement Procedure policy.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to adopt the proposed small procurement procedure as presented with the change from less than $500 to less than $5000 in section A and B, and with final approval from Mr. Outten.  This was seconded by Mr. Pecht and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean gave a review of his recent meeting concerning Main Street Virginia.  He stated that it was possible to become an affiliate member.  After a discussion, the Town Development Committee was asked to meet with Mr. Dean and come back with a recommendation at our next meeting.


Mr. Dean was asked for a report on the water/sewer projects going on at this time.  Mr. Dean reported that the new water tank should be up by the end of May.  The new water lines on Davie Street, Riddick Street and South Street have been completed.  Also a new line next to the railroad at McClenny’s Exxon has been completed.  Work is being done on Grove Ave and Windsor Ave.  Mr. Dean stated that he was in the process of getting the cost to replace the water line on Windsor while the street is torn up.


Mr. Pecht stated that the finance committee needed to meet before the March meeting.  He asked that all committees and departments get their requests in for the FY04-05 budget.  Mr. Pecht gave a report on the finances and asked that all non-essential purchases be held off.


Mayor Clarke stated that Chief Pond was honored by Virginia Alcohol Safety Action with a resolution for his years of service both as a member of the board of directors and his service as chairman.  Mayor Clarke congratulated Chief Pond.


After a discussion on the color scheme for the new water tank, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Miller to adopt the color scheme as presented.  This carried by all ayes. The town development committee is to come up with a logo to present at the next meeting.


Mr. Dean stated that Southside Planning had advised waiting until November to apply for a T21 Grant.


Mrs. Talbert announced that a blood drive would be held February 26 from 10 am until 2:30 pm at the County government building.


A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Miller to pay the bills as presented and charge to the proper funds.  This was carried by all ayes.


Copies of letters to Charter Communications in regard to Council’s request for a survey were included in the packets.  A copy of the survey was also included.  Mr. Brockwell asked that Charter be contacted and see if they will include a list of possible new channels on the survey.  Mayor Clarke stated he would contact Charter on this request.


A resolution authorizing Mr. Dean to sign and submit an application for a Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Economic Development Grant in the amount of $448,190 to fund improvements to the sewage collection system at Saint Paul’s College.  Mr. Brockwell made a motion to adopt the resolution as presented.  This was seconded by Mr. Pecht and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean stated that South Hill is applying for grant funding to renovate the Colonial Theater into a Fine Arts Theater.  They were asking Council for a letter of support for their application.  After a discussion, this was tabled until more information could be obtained.


A request from the Chamber for the 2004-2005 Buyers Guide and Membership Directory was in the packet.  Mr. Pecht made a motion to do the same as last year.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Dean reported that the Rotary Club will be holding a blood drive on March 19th at the Lawrenceville Baptist Church from 1pm until 6pm.  Each person donating will receive a brick from Brick and Tile with their name on it.


Mr. Dean stated that the County is applying for a CDBG grant for the Green Acres subdivision off Rt. 46.  Letters were received last fall from citizens along Rt. 46 asking for sewer service.  The grant does not include this area.  Mr. Dean is working with Mr. Vincent to secure county funding in the year 2006.


Mrs. Talbert reported that she had received an application for the ArtBank grant.  Mr. Pecht made a motion to apply for the ArtBank grant in the amount of $500.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mrs. Talbert reminded Council to purchase their decals.  The deadline is Feb. 28th.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.





