May 13, 2003


Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order on May 13, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. with the following present: 


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, William E. James and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr., Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Supt. Of Public Works, Randall Lynch; Members of the Lawrenceville Planning Commission, Cheryl Robertson and Woodrow Packer; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Administrative Assistant, Wanda Johnson; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Absent:  Council members: John J. Miller, Jr. and Michael F. Moorman


Mr. Hardy opened the meeting with a prayer.


Roll was called.


                                    JOINT PUBLIC HEARING – REZONING REQUEST

As this time had been advertised for two Public Hearings, Mayor Clarke opened the Joint Public Hearing with the Lawrenceville Planning Commission.  Mr. Dean stated that he had received an application for rezoning from M1 to R1 from Dennis, Michael and Susan Watson.  The property was located on Fourth Avenue and Walnut Street.  Mr. Watson had withdrawn his request for property on Fifth Avenue.  The only negative response received had concerned the property on Fifth Avenue.  As no one asked to be heard on the request, a motion was made by Mr. Pecht to close the Hearing.  This received a second by Mr. Hardy and carried by all ayes.


                                    PUBLIC HEARING – BUDGET FY03/04

Mayor Clarke opened the Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for FY03/04.  No one asked to be heard on the budget.  A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. James to close the hearing.  This motion carried by all ayes


                                                APPROVAL OF MINUTES

A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to approve the minutes of the previous meetings as received, suspend the reading and file.  This was carried by all ayes.


                                                CITIZENS CONCERNS

Beverly Bahen of Dolphin asked to address Council. Ms. Bahen stated that she had ideas that could improve the look of the town in regard to tall weeds and grass.  Ms. Bahen gave an overview of a ground cover named sedum that she has been using for years.  This plant never needs to be weeded and would eliminate mowing in many areas.  She also stated that she would like every town in Brunswick County to vote on a “town” flower and implement awareness and education of the flower.  Mayor Clarke thanked Ms. Bahen for her presentation.


                                    PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION

Mr. Dean reported that the Planning Commission had met and recommended that the application for rezoning of lots between Fourth Avenue and the railroad tracks be approved.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to approve the rezoning of the lots between Fourth Avenue and the railroad tracks from M1 to R1 as recommended by the Planning Commission.  This motion carried by all ayes.


                                                COURTHOUSE UPDATE

Mr. Dean stated that the first third of the Courthouse project had been completed except for the light poles and a portion at the corner of Bank Street.  Our engineer with LandMark Design is leaving and we will be getting a new engineer to complete the project.


                                                NEW GARBAGE CONTAINERS

The new garbage containers are being delivered to residents.  Garbage will continue to be picked up on Monday and Thursday.  Mr. Dean stated that residents would be charged for replacing cans if damaged other than normal wear and tear.


                                                TENTATIVE ADOPTION OF BUDGET

Mr. Pecht reminded Council that the proposed budget could still be revised, the formal adoption will be at the June meeting.  Mr. Pecht made a motion to tentatively adopt the proposed budget as presented.  This motion was seconded by Mr. James and carried by all ayes.


                                                ERRONEOUSLY CHARGED TAXES

Mr. Pecht made a motion to abate the list of erroneously charged taxes presented in the packets.  Mr. Brockwell seconded this motion and it carried by all ayes.


                                                REFINANCING –DREAM 2000 LOAN

 Mr. Dean had checked into refinancing the Dream 2000 Sidewalk Loan.  Copies of the proposed change were given to Council.  A discussion was held and Mr. Pecht made a motion to refinance at the annual rate of 3.75% subject to assurance of a cap not higher than our current 5-year cap.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell and carried by all ayes.


Mr. Pecht stated that he was concerned with our current bank account amount and asked that even if a budget amount has not been used completely, please purchase carefully.



Mayor Clarke stated that a Certificate of Appreciation had been received from the VA Hospital commending Office Moody and a dispatcher for going above the line of duty to help locate a citizen on May 8th.  The hospital was concerned about a possible mix-up in a medication given to the citizen.  Mayor Clarke presented the Certificate to Chief Pond and asked that Officer Moody be congratulated on behalf of the Council.


                                                TALL GRASS CONCERNS

Mr. Dean reported that the issue of tall grass is being taken care of and letters are being sent out.  This year only one letter will be mailed, after that the grass will be mowed and the owner charged.


                                                HIGH STREET PROJECT UPDATE

Mr. Dean stated that one house on High Street had been demolished and three more were to be demolished later.  After demolition, the grass cutting on the property will be the responsibility of the property owner.


                                                AIRPORT REPORT

Mr. Pecht reported that the Seafood Fest held at the airport was a success.  The Beef & Dairy Festival will be held on May 21st.  Mr. Pecht also reported that the month of April had been an active month for the airport with timber spraying going on.


                                                THANK YOU NOTES

Mrs. Talbert read a thank you note from the family of Steve Thomason.  A thank you note from Ruth Phillips to Chief Pond was also read thanking the Chief for assistance in getting her lifeline working after a power outage at her house.


                                                PAYMENT OF BILLS

A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to pay the bills in the amount of $57,886.35 and charge to the proper accounts.  This carried by all ayes.


                                                CABLE TV CONCERNS

Mayor Clarke stated that he had received several calls concerning the cable company and the inability to contact a person when there was cable problems.  The only way to get in touch with the cable office seems to be with e-mail.  Susan Morse no longer works with the company and the office has been moved to West Virginia.  Mayor Clarke will write a letter to the cable company expressing the Council’s concerns.


                                    REQUEST FOR UPDATE ON CABOOSE

Mr. James asked for an update on the caboose.  Mr. James asked Mr. Dean to check with the citizen group on what they are doing.


Mr. Pecht stated that he was glad to see the DSL line will be in Town by late summer or early fall.


Mr. Brockwell reported that the State Softball Tournament will be held in Lawrenceville this year and the Babe Ruth Tournament will be held at the high school this summer.


Mr. Dean passed out pictures a citizen had given him showing the flooding on Second Ave.  He is working with VDOT to control this problem.


                                                YMCA PRESENTATION

Jake Lasley of the South Hill YMCA gave a overview of the programs and opportunities available through the YMCA.  Mr. Lasley will be speaking at the Chamber on Wednesday.  Mayor Clarke and Mr. Dean are working with Mr. Lasley in forming a citizen’s focus group in hopes of stating a YMCA in Lawrenceville.



A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to adjourn.  This carried by all ayes.








