April, 2001


Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order on April 10, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, Wilbur Hardy, William E. James, Michael F. Moorman and Robert F. Pecht III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Absent:  H. B. Brockwell, Jr. and John J. Miller, Jr.


Mr. Hardy opened the meeting with prayer.


Roll was called.


A motion was made by Mr. Moorman and seconded by Mr. Hardy to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.  The motion carried by all ayes.



As this time had been advertised for a Public Hearing on a proposed Traffic Noise Ordinance, Mayor Clarke declared the Hearing open.  As no citizens asked to speak on the Ordinance, a motion was made by Mr. Moorman and seconded by Mr. Hardy to close the Public Hearing.   This carried by all ayes.


Mr. James made a motion to adopt the Ordinance as presented.  This was seconded by Mr. Moorman and carried by the following voting aye:  Bland, Hardy, James, Moorman and Pecht.


The code enforcement report was given to Council.


                                                PROPOSED BUDGET

Mr. Pecht reported on the proposed budget and the copy of the ad that would be in the newspaper.  Mr. Pecht gave an explanation of the proposed budget and stated that a 5% water rate increase was included in the budget and another increase later in the year may be necessary.  Mr. Pecht made a motion to advertise the proposed budget  for a Public Hearing on May 8, 2001.  This was seconded by Mr. James and voting aye: Bland, Hardy, James, Moorman and Pecht.


                                    GRASS CUTTING AT CEMETERY

Mrs. Bland stated that it was time to reimburse the Town for grass cutting in the cemetery for last year.  Mrs. Bland made a motion to reimburse from Oakwood Park perpetual care in the amount of $1,147.41 and from Oakwood Cemetery perpetual care in the amount of $1,081.41.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Pecht and voting aye: Bland, Hardy, James, Moorman and Pecht.


                                                HIGH STREET PROJECT

Mr. Dean reported that three houses were ready to go to bid on High Street and water/sewer plans were almost ready.


                                    DREAM 2000 – HICKS ST

Mr. Dean also reported that the work on the sidewalk in front of Ken and Sherry’s Flowers and Gifts was almost finished and would continue along the side in front of Dollar General to the parking lot behind Ken and Sherry’s.  Four streetlights will be installed at Ken & Sherry’s and three at E.E. Vaughan’s.


Mr. Dean stated that work on the water plant project was winding down and should be completed shortly.


Mr. Pecht reported that the trees had been cleared on the main runway at the airport.




                                                PAYMENT OF BILLS

A motion was made by Mr. James to pay the bills in the amount of $43,729.39 and charge to the proper accounts.  This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and voting aye: Bland, Hardy, James, Moorman and Pecht.


                                                WLES RADIO STATION

Mayor Clarke stated that a letter had been received from WLES Radio Station requesting full council input.  The station plans to reopen an office in the Brunswick Insurance Agency building, however they can not install their satellite on the roof due to safety reasons.  They are requesting permission to install the satellite in the Town’s parking lot behind their office.  After a discussion on liability and possible paving of the lot, the suggestion of granting permission with conditions be considered.  A protective fence or barrier and the possible relocation if paving is done were a couple factors to be considered.  Mr. Moorman stated that he was opposed to installing in the parking lot.  Mr. Pecht stated that he was in favor with conditions and asked that the Mayor and Town Attorney meet and negotiate with the station.  After continued discussion, it was decided that the Mayor and Mr. Outten would meet with a representative of the station and report back at the May meeting or call a special meeting if time is a factor.


                                                COUNTY RECYCLING

Mr. Pecht reported that the County now has a recycling bin behind the County Government Building for newspaper.  It was suggested that a note be on the water bills asking residents to recycle their newspaper at the bins.


There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. James and seconded by Mr. Hardy and carried.








