SEPTEMBER 12, 2000


Mayor Keith W. Clarke called the regular meeting of the Lawrenceville Town Council to order on September 12, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. with the following present:


Mayor Keith W. Clarke; Council members: Joyce D. Bland, H. B. Brockwell, Jr., Wilbur Hardy, William E. James, John J. Miller, Jr., Michael F. Moorman and Robert F. Pecht, III; Town Attorney, W. C. Outten, Jr.; Town Manager, C. J. Dean; Chief of Police, Douglas R. Pond; Town Clerk, Alice B. Talbert; citizens and the press.


Mr. Hardy opened the meeting with prayer.


Roll was called.


A motion was made by Mr. James and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as received, suspend the reading and file.  This carried by all ayes.


                                                PUBLIC HEARINGS

Mayor Clarke stated that as this time had been advertised for Public Hearings on four issues, all Public Hearings would be opened and citizen comments received.  After citizen recognition on all matters to come before Council, action would be taken on each of the four issues.


                                                PROPOSED DOG ORDINANCE

The Public Hearing on the proposed dog ordinance was declared open.  Mr. Harold Parrish of 116 Sixth Ave. spoke in favor of the ordinance but felt it was to broad and the Town still needed a leash law. Mr. Wilbur Brewer of 806 Second Ave. stated that he was opposed to a leash law.  He stated that if trash is put in trash containers dogs could not get into it.  He felt that at his age it was not fair to ask him to put his dog on a leash and have to take it out.  Mrs. Sharon Pond of 115 Sixth Ave. stated that she was in favor of a leash law.  She is a dog lover but keeps her dogs on a leash but is harassed by other dogs when walking her dogs.  Mrs. Kay Outten of 110 Crescent Drive was opposed to the leash law.  Mrs. Outten stated that the Town already has laws in place and citizens can report dogs they are having problems with.  Mrs. Violet James of 517 Park Street stated that she was a dog and cat lover and felt owners must be responsible for their pets.  She stated that she was in favor of the ordinance as a beginning toward getting a leash law.  Mr. Emory Samford of 502 Windsor Avenue was opposed to the ordinance.  He stated that he has walked and biked on almost every street in town and never been harassed by dogs.


A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. James to close the hearing.  This carried.


                                                PROPOSED CIVIL PENALTIES

Mayor Clarke declared the Public Hearing on proposed ordinance for Civil Penalties for Violation of Building Code opened.  Rachel Lewis of 604 Windsor stated that she was opposed to the ordinance due to concern for older citizens and what will happen in the future.  Violet James of 517 Park Street stated that she felt it was in the best interest of all citizens to have penalties for violation of the code to protect all property owners from property owners refusing to correct problems.


A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to close the public hearing.  This carried.


                                    CLOSING OF ALLEY-S MAIN ST

Mayor Clarke opened the Public Hearing concerning the request to close an alley.  Sharon Johnson of Century 21/ Clary spoke on behalf of Bill Miller, owner of property on South Main Street and the petitioner for the closing of the alley.  Ms. Johnson stated that the alley in question is approximately 28.5 feet wide and she ask that 20’ for the alley be given to Mr. Miller and the remaining 8’ to Virginia Jones, owner of the adjoining property.  Lisa Chandler of 1012 Second Avenue stated that she was speaking on behalf of her mother, Virginia Jones.  Ms. Chandler stated that her mother had lived on South Main for 38 years and she asked that if the alley is closed that it be divided equally.


A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Brockwell to close the hearing. This motion carried.  Mayor Clarke stated that he would appoint three (3) viewers next week to view the alley with Mr. Dean and report back their recommendation at the October meeting.


                                                REAL ESTATE TAX RATE

Mayor Clarke opened the Public Hearing on the Real Estate Tax rate remaining the same as last year.  Mayor Clarke stated that the reassessment had increased the property values however the tax rate would not be increased.  As no one asked to speak on issue, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Hardy to close the public hearing.  This motion carried.


                                                CITIZENS CONCERNS

Mayor Clarke asked if any citizen wished to address Council on any matter concerning the issues discussed in the Public Hearings or any other matter of concern to the town.  As no one asked to speak, the Mayor stated that Council would consider each Public Hearing as presented.  Council could move to approve, reject or table until the next meeting.


                                                DOG ORDINANCE

After a discussion on the proposed dog ordinance, Mr. Moorman made a motion to adopt the ordinance as advertised.  This was seconded by Mr. James.  The motion was defeated by a roll call vote as follows: Voting aye: James and Moorman.  Voting nay: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, Miller and Pecht.


                                                CIVIL PENALTIES

Dennis LeBlanc, Town Code Enforcer, explained how the civil penalties worked.  After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. James to adopt the ordinance as advertised.  Mr. Brockwell seconded this and it was carried by all ayes.


                                                TAX RATE REMAINS SAME

Mr. Pecht made a motion to leave the tax rate on real estate at $0.30 per $100 value.  Mr. Moorman seconded this and it was carried by all ayes.


                                                IDA INTERIM DIRECTOR

Mayor Clarke introduced Mr. Dean BeLer.  Mr. BeLer is interim director for the IDA.  Mr. BeLer gave a brief overview of things the IDA hoped to do and thanked Council for their past and continuing support.


                                                RESOLUTION TO AWARD

Mr. Dean stated that Council had a copy of a Resolution to award Great Creek Sewer Line Improvement Contract to Biggs Construction.  A motion was made by Mr. Brockwell to adopt Resolution as presented, authorize the Mayor to sign resolution and to authorize Mr. Dean to sign Notice of Award.  This was seconded by Mr. Hardy and voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James, Miller, Moorman and Pecht.


                                                FIRE DEPT. REQUEST

Mr. James stated that he had received a letter from the fire department requesting a letter of support for upgrading the department from BLS to ALS.  Mr. James stated that he would be in contact with the department and report back in October as to what action needed to be taken.


Mr. Hardy reported that the new officer, Donnie Layton, was on duty, the new police car was in service and that Officer Smith was doing well in school.


An update on the Dream 2000-Courthouse Phase was in the packets.  Mr. Dean stated that no money could be spent until approval is received from VDOT.


Bids on Dream 2000-Phase III will be opened on Friday, September 15 at 2:00 p.m.


Mr. Hardy reported that the water tank and across town water line had been completed.


The following reports were in the Council packets: Finance, Fire, Personnel, Police, Safety, and Airport.


                                                PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS

A motion was made by Mr. Hardy and seconded by Mr. Pecht to pay the bills as presented and charge to the proper accounts.  Voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James, Miller, Moorman and Pecht.


                                    TASTE OF BRUNSWICK FESTIVAL

Mayor Clarke stated that two letters had been received requesting support for the “Taste of Brunswick” Festival had been received.  The Lawrenceville Jr. Woman’s Club for financial support for a block party on October 14.  The other was from the Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism requesting support through a monetary contribution for the Festival.  Mr. Moorman pointed out that money had been budgeted to help with four block parties.  After a discussion, Mr. Moorman made a motion to support the Jr. Woman’s Club with their block party in an amount not to exceed $1,500.  This received a second from Mr. Miller and voting aye: Bland, Brockwell, Hardy, James, Miller, Moorman and Pecht.


                                                EXECUTIVE SESSION

A motion was made by Mr. Miller and seconded by Mr. Pecht to go into Executive Session for a legal matter and possible property acquisition.  This was carried by all ayes.


                                                RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION

After a discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell and seconded by Mr. Miller to return to regular session.  This carried by all ayes.



A motion was made by Mr. James certifying that no matters were discussed other than that stated in the motion and no action was taken.  This was seconded by Mr. Brockwell. This carried by all ayes.



There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Brockwell, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried by all ayes, to adjourn.










